C# 9 introduced us to records, a new way to define data structures with increased readability and usability in specific scenarios. While they may look like structs or classes, they offer an opportunity to reduce boilerplate code and potentially allow us to code differently. One of the significant differences between records and other types is that records operate as value types.

In this post, we’ll explore the difference between a reference type and a value type and how we can use source generators to change the value comparison of one record against another.

Value Types vs. Reference Types

When comparing classes to records, the significant difference is comparison operators. In .NET, users will likely define types using the class type. While you may create two classes with all the same values, you will find they are not the same in the comparison. Let’s look at a code example.

using static System.Console;

// will be false
WriteLine(new Friend("Khalid") == new Friend("Khalid"));

public class Friend
    public Friend(string name)
        Name = name;
    public string Name { get; }    

When we talk about “reference types,” we are talking about the space an entity occupies in memory. In this case, the instances of Friend are two separate entities in memory, even though they share the same values. But what about value types? In our case, what about record types?

using static System.Console;

// will be true
WriteLine(new Friend("Khalid") == new Friend("Khalid"));

public record Friend(string Name);

Well, record comparisons compare all the property values in the record. If they match, then the two entities are the “same”. So value comparison has advantages, especially when you’re more concerned about logical sameness than technical sameness.

A good use case is removing elements from a collection to determine logical uniqueness. In the following example, I have a group of friends, and I want to know which entries are Distinct.

using static System.Console;

Friend[] friends =

// Is 3: Khalid, Maarten, & Rachel

public record Friend(string Name);

If the Friend type were of class, we’d see a result of 4 instead of 3 since we would be comparing each instance by reference.

The Business Problem with Records

While the value comparison of records is a great feature, it does break down in most business apps I’ve written, where entities typically have an identifier field of Id. Let’s take a look at an example.

using static System.Console;

var items = new List<CartItem>
    new(1, "The Witcher 3", 60m),
    new(2, "Elden Ring", 60m),
    new(3, "King of Fighters XV", 50m),
    new(4, "Street Fighter V", 30m)

WriteLine($" (before): {items.Count}");

// remove record with value equality
// not with reference equality
var item = new CartItem(1);

WriteLine($" (after): {items.Count}");

public record CartItem(
    int Id,
    string Name = "",
    decimal Price = 0m);

We have a shopping cart with items, and each item has an Id property. Logically, we know prices and names of products can change, but identifiers never do. Therefore, removing an entry with only the Id will not produce the outcome we intended in the previous code, as records compare all the properties.

To fix this issue, we need to overwrite the comparison operator of our CartItem class.

public record CartItem(
    int Id,
    string Name = "",
    decimal Price = 0m)
    public virtual bool Equals(CartItem? other)
        if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false;
        if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true;
        return Id == other.Id;

    public override int GetHashCode()
        return Id;

Changing the Equals and GetHashCode will make our code work as expected, but with the drawback of being noisey.

Using Source Generators For Record Comparisons

Rather than overriding every records’ comparison operators, what if we could declare which properties should be part of the value comparison?

public partial record CartItem(
    [Equality] int Id,
    string Name = "",
    decimal Price = 0m);

Well, I did just that! You can add this generator to your projects, and it will generate the record comparison operators to change the value comparison of records to each other. Note, I had to embed a gist because source generator code and liquid (blog engine templating language) don’t mix.

using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
public class RecordEqualityGenerator : ISourceGenerator
private const string AttributeText = @"
using System;
namespace RecordEquality
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter, Inherited = false, AllowMultiple = false)]
sealed class EqualityAttribute : Attribute
public void Initialize(GeneratorInitializationContext context)
// Register the attribute source
context.RegisterForPostInitialization(i => i.AddSource("RecordEqualityAttribute", AttributeText));
context.RegisterForSyntaxNotifications(() => new SyntaxReceiver());
public void Execute(GeneratorExecutionContext context)
if (!(context.SyntaxContextReceiver is SyntaxReceiver receiver))
foreach (var record in receiver.Records)
var propertyEquals = string.Join(" && ", record.Properties
.Select(p => $"{p} == other.{p}")
var hashCode = new StringBuilder("\n");
for (var index = 0; index < record.Properties.Count; index++) {
var property = record.Properties[index];
hashCode.AppendLine(index == 0
? $" var hashCode = {property}.GetHashCode();"
: $" hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ {property}.GetHashCode();");
hashCode.AppendLine(" return hashCode;");
var source =
$@"// Auto-generated code for {record.Name}
public partial record {record.Name}
public virtual bool Equals({record.Name}? other)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true;
return {propertyEquals};
public override int GetHashCode()
context.AddSource($"{record.Name}__equality.cs", SourceText.From(source, Encoding.UTF8));
class SyntaxReceiver : ISyntaxContextReceiver
public record RecordResult(string Name, List<string> Properties);
public List<RecordResult> Records { get; }
= new ();
public void OnVisitSyntaxNode(GeneratorSyntaxContext context)
// any field with at least one attribute is a candidate for property generation
if (context.Node is RecordDeclarationSyntax rds &&
rds.Modifiers.Any(m => m.IsKind(SyntaxKind.PartialKeyword)))
var record = ModelExtensions.GetDeclaredSymbol(context.SemanticModel, rds);
if (record is null) return;
var result = new RecordResult(record.Name, new List<string>());
var addRecord = false;
foreach (var parameter in rds.ParameterList.Parameters)
var ps = ModelExtensions.GetDeclaredSymbol(context.SemanticModel,
parameter) as IParameterSymbol;
if (ps.GetAttributes().Any(a => a.AttributeClass.ToDisplayString() == "RecordEquality.EqualityAttribute"))
addRecord = true;
if (addRecord)

If you want to see a working sample, you can go to the GitHub Repository and try it for yourself. When you include the source generator in your projects, you can reduce the boilerplate needed to express your intent. That’s pretty cool in my book.

using RecordEquality;
using static System.Console;

var items = new List<CartItem>
    new(1, "The Witcher 3", 60m),
    new(2, "Elden Ring", 60m),
    new(3, "King of Fighters XV", 50m),
    new(4, "Street Fighter V", 30m)

WriteLine($" (before): {items.Count}");

// remove record with value equality
// not with reference equality
var item = new CartItem(1);

// before records, you'd have to do this
// items.RemoveAll(i => i.Name == item.Name);

WriteLine($" (after): {items.Count}");

public partial record CartItem(
    [Equality] int Id,
    string Name = "",
    decimal Price = 0m);

Now our example works with adding a partial on our record and an EqualityAttribute. Do you like what you see? I hope so, but you can also just override the original comparisons if you think Source Generators are too much trouble. It’s your code!


Records are a pretty cool type, and by using source generators, we can express our value comparison intent with minimal changes. Try out the sample project and tell me what you think on Twitter at @buhakmeh. Thank you so much for reading and sharing my post with colleagues.