Use TempDataAttribute For Clean Code

Use TempDataAttribute For Clean Code

In a previous post, I wrote about solving the form resubmission confirm issue that many developers run into when building web applications. In ASP.NET MVC, we have many tools at our disposal to pass information from one method to another,...

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Use Select Dropdown In ASP.NET Razor

Use Select Dropdown In ASP.NET Razor

ASP.NET’s Razor engine comes with an assortment of HTML tag helpers. Some of the helpers are straightforward, while others may be challenging for folks to grasp. One of the more powerful HTML elements is select, allowing us to select a...

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Building HTML with C#

Building HTML with C#

Hypertext Markup Language is the first programming language many of us learn. Like chess, it’s easy to learn but can take a lifetime to master. Its declarative syntax is ideal and ubiquitous across many different ecosystems, and C# embraces it...

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