Get A Property Name From a .NET Lambda Expression

Get A Property Name From a .NET Lambda Expression

Lambda expressions are a powerful feature of the .NET stack, allowing developers to “express” an operation. Some of the most popular OSS libraries in .NET today take advantage of expressions: FluentValidation, AutoMapper, Dapper, and Marten. Library authors use expressions to...

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Simple Redirects With ASP.NET Core Endpoints

Simple Redirects With ASP.NET Core Endpoints

As web applications evolve, and we better understand the problems we are solving, reorganizing routes becomes an annoying inevitability. In this short but helpful post, we’ll add a few extension methods to the IEndpointRouteBuilder interface that makes mapping redirects a...

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Working With .NET 6's PriorityQueue

Working With .NET 6's PriorityQueue

With every new release of .NET comes exciting additions to the base class library, and .NET 6 is no exception. Data structure lovers will be excited to see a new PriorityQueue type added to the BCL under System.Collections.Generic.

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