Have Fun With LINQ Expression Visitors

Have Fun With LINQ Expression Visitors

In a previous blog post, we saw how we were able to build a powerful sorting interface that enhanced the OrderBy functionality found in LINQ. For those of us building HTTP APIs or web applications, it can make solving problems...

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Understand Reading From A File Using C#

Understand Reading From A File Using C#

Interaction with files is a necessary skill with any programming language. Luckily, with the .NET Framework, we have many reading options provided to us through the System.IO namespace. There are almost too many options, and for .NET coding newbies, it...

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Parse Markdown Front Matter With C#

Parse Markdown Front Matter With C#

There are the folks who write YAML, and then there are the folks required to parse it. Let me assure you that the former is more natural than the latter. YAML, which stands for YAML Ain’t Markup Language, is a...

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