Unit Tests For Legacy Systems with .NET 6

Unit Tests For Legacy Systems with .NET 6

As you move towards .NET 6, you also get new opportunities to upgrade legacy codebases to the latest and greatest. Unfortunately, updating a legacy codebase can be nerve-racking. Luckily, in this post, I wanted to share a technique I recently...

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Testing ASP.NET Core 6 Apps

Testing ASP.NET Core 6 Apps

The ASP.NET testing story has gotten easier with each new iteration, emphasizing dependency injection and inversion of control (IoC) containers contributing much of the plumbing for your web applications. Along with more accessible configuration options, we also see more opportunities...

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Running SQL Server Queries In Docker

Running SQL Server Queries In Docker

The efforts to containerize all the things are underway, with many tech vendors pushing remote development as a viable development option. So in the future, some percentage of your development stack will be remote-capable, which means more command-line familiarity is...

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.NET Watch Launch Setting Profile For ASP.NET Core

.NET Watch Launch Setting Profile For ASP.NET Core

In .NET, launch settings (launchSettings.json) allow us to share run commands across all development environments, regardless of IDE and editor choices. For the most part, launch commands are cross-platform capable, so they aren’t limited to any operating system, which is...

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Get C# Metadata From a Call Site

Get C# Metadata From a Call Site

C# is a statically typed language, and one of the greatest derived strengths is our ability to ask questions around our code. Whether you love it or hate it, reflection is a critical part of the .NET stack, and when...

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