With all the momentum behind frontend frameworks, it’s often easy to forget that server-side rendering (SSR) is a mature approach to delivering fast and reliable user experiences. Unfortunately, one of the most significant drawbacks to frontend development is the experience...

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ASP.NET Docker Gotchas and Workarounds

ASP.NET Docker Gotchas and Workarounds

I’ve recently been working with Docker deployments to get my ASP.NET Core applications into the hands of more developers. The whole experience has been generally positive, and it is reminiscent of the early days of Git deployments. Write some code,...

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Compress Strings With .NET and C#

Compress Strings With .NET and C#

Modern development has an abundance of processing power, network bandwidth, and disk space. Given our current fortunes, we should spend these resources like there’s no tomorrow, right? Well, no! We should be mindful of our resource utilization and how it...

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Simple Redirects With ASP.NET Core Endpoints

Simple Redirects With ASP.NET Core Endpoints

As web applications evolve, and we better understand the problems we are solving, reorganizing routes becomes an annoying inevitability. In this short but helpful post, we’ll add a few extension methods to the IEndpointRouteBuilder interface that makes mapping redirects a...

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